Saturday, August 29, 2009

Princess on the Cheap

Apparently it's "Wedding Week" here on Tracy on the Cheap. My soon to be cousin-in-law Kristin is planning her wedding and asked if she could pick my brain about cost saving ideas. That got me to thinking...would it be possible to have a totally glam wedding on the cheap? (Let's face it...not every bride would be content with a backyard wedding. I totally understand the desire to be princess for a day!).
So I scoured the internet for some great wedding deals. This wedding dress from Ebay is only $145...and that includes shipping. Sure, it's from China. Sure, the grammar and sentence structure is atrocious. (Really, go read the description's priceless!) But it's custom made, and where do you think all the expensive wedding dresses come from before they show up in the pricey boutiques?

The goods:
Wedding Dress, Ebay (check out the description!)

1 comment:

Matt said...

Who gave you the idea for the tiara? It is fab!


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